UnderGround Records

Minneapolis, MN

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Information About Studio

Small recording studio using both digital and analog recording equipment, focusing on rock music. We focus on making getting the best sound of our artists and pushing them to the best of their abilities. Our goal is to be recognized as a studio that is known for their hard work ethic and dedication to quality sound. We focus on : 18­26 year old males and females. Very involved in the music scene and are playing multiple shows a week. Also, extremely driven at pushing the envelope of rock music.Small recording studio using both digital and analog recording equipment, focusing on rock music. We focus on making getting the best sound of our artists and pushing them to the best of their abilities. Our goal is to be recognized as a studio that is known for their hard work ethic and dedication to quality sound. We focus on : 18­26 year old males and females. Very involved in the music scene and are playing multiple shows a week. Also, extremely driven at pushing the envelope of rock music.

What Our Goals Are

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Histroy of Artists

Body: Helvetica Light, black. Decreasing size from heading to subheading to body to show decreasing heirarchy. The rest of this is meaningless placeholder text. It is important to show what a paragraph of text set in this style might look like. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed mauris eu sem moles\e consectetur vitaeeu lacus. Phasellus et rutrum ligula. Mauris facilisis regular royal purple tris\que tortor, sedlaoreet italics sapien pulvinar at. Phasellus at cursus velit, non sollicitudin dui. Nunc hyperlink royal purple Nulla velarcu placerat, lacinia nulla sed, luctus tellus.

List of our equipment

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Recording Process

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